Civil society participation in sustainable territorial development approaches

  XIII World Congress
of Rural Sociology
Lisbon (Portugal)
July 29 >August 4, 2012
  Call for Abstract: Session N° 34

Civil society participation in sustainable territorial development approaches

Several countries from Europe and Latin America have been adopting innovative public policies to foster territorialized rural and urban development strategies. These policies are frequently the result of the incentives provided by international institutions, as well as by the scientific cooperation services from European countries (i.e., the Leader Program). While doing this, South American countries have implemented decentralization and development regionalization processes, often accompanied by participative and empowering dynamics targeting local or rural organizations. Some recent initiatives have been also growing in luso-african countries. To understand the innovative potential of these new trends, it has become a key to reflect on these experiences and explore lessons learned. Namely, what is the role and the status of population participating? What decentralization mechanisms have been used? Has civil society merely been consulted or there was a real bottom up processes in order to define more sustainable projects?

The session objective is to contribute to characterize these new territorial participatory dynamics from three angles:   the institutional mechanisms of participation; the social configuration of the public action arena actors,   the importance of public policy coalitions or public policy network in these configurations.   Abstracts in English,
no longer than 150 words,
should be submitted through IRSA 2012 website
until January, 15, 2012.


Laura Duarte
Eric Sabourin

Gilles Massardier
Doris Sayago

Lia Vasconcelos


